Thursday, May 14, 2009

What are your priorities?

On Tuesday afternoon I had the opportunity to attend a parenting seminar with Dr Soo Woong Park, and ex-anesthetist who now travels the world as an evangelical minister sharing his experience and advice on parenting and creating happy families. Dr Park shared some of his memories of growing up in Korea under Japanese rule and through the Korean war, as well his determination to get to America so he could help and serve people. It was very interesting to hear that his initial motivation for becoming a doctor was so that he could be rich and famous. After he developed a relationship with Jesus Christ he said that his motivation changed - he no longer cared about being rich and famous, he simply wanted to help others.

Dr Park also spoke about priorities and asked the parents what was their number one priority for their children. In Korean society being well educated often takes the number one spot, but Dr Park believes while being well educated is important, it isn't the number one priority. The number one priority is knowing God. Through this our children will begin to understand the reason and motivation for being well educated and parents will no longer need to push their children to study because the reasons for studying hard will become clear to the students.

Dr Park's seminar was both thought provoking and entertaining. I know that the parents who attended enjoyed the afternoon and walked away with some new insights into their children and how to help them become all they can be.

Dr Park will host another session at 7pm on Thursday May 21st - this session will be delivered in Korean.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great presentation! Would you be able to record the audio and put the recording on your blog?
