Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Too Young To Think?

It's interesting how as adults we often assume that deep thought is a neurological function that is reserved for those who have reached maturity, despite constant examples that prove otherwise. Recently my wife was debating whether she should take a short trip to Australia to be a part of her parents' 40th wedding anniversary celebrations. When she was discussing this with our 8 year old son she was explaining that she was having trouble making her decision because she really wanted to go, but she didn't want to be away from her family. Our son sat deep in thought for a few moments before responding, "Life's just not like ice-cream is it." When we asked him to further explain this he described how if you want vanilla ice-cream and you also want chocolate ice-cream but you can't decide, you can just put them together and have them both. He went on to tell us that in life you just can't do that! I wonder if Aristotle could have put it any better?

1 comment:

  1. Excellent story and example! It reminds me to listen more than I do to my kids and my students who each have meaningful stories to tell and experiences to relate. Thanks Harper! :) (and Jason!)
