Recently I prepared a resource for an international online conference run by the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust in the UK. The Prezi focused on individualising professional learning and offered some tools that teachers can utilise to take charge of their professional learning.
Digital Literacy - How to build it in teachers through professional development
After viewing this Prezi you can imagine my surprise today when I was involved in a 3 hour PD session that consisted of roughly 50 teachers meeting in a room to learn about the changes that have occurred from Microsoft Office 2007 to 2010. We also did some work on integrating ICT into the classroom that consisted of the presenter showcasing a unit she had planned. It was a very good unit and it would have been wonderful if we were in a small group so we could spend some time discussing and deconstructing the unit and exploring how we could apply the same principles to our own units. I have no doubt that in that room every single teacher was at a different level in terms of their knowledge and skills relating to the office suite of programs and how to utilise ICT in the classroom. Therefore the only conclusion I can come to is that these 3 hours were a complete waste of time for all involved.
When are we going to accept that if we aspire to true differentiation and personalisation of learning for our students then we must model these same principles in our PD sessions. PD like this really fits the mould of 'one size fits none'!